
September 10, 2021

You Should Practice What You Preach

You should never use a short-term savings vehicle for a long-term financial goal, that is why I always recommend parents to invest the children’s allowance in a long-term savings plan with an exposure to equities in order to pay for the expected cost of 2nd and 3rd level education.

With deposit rates at an all time low and inflation creeping back up who knows what it will cost in 15-20 years’ time to pay for a 4 year degree course!!

Zurich life recently did a cost of education survey and the results were sobering to say the least.

My wife (also a financial adviser) and I were lucky enough to welcome our beautiful baby boy Sean on the 15th January 2021. 

Like I said it‘s important to practice what you preach and take the advice we have given to clients over the years so we automatically diverted our children’s allowance payment to an equity based savings plan.

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